Click on the plus sign at the bottom of the Palettes docker and select: You can also create and save your own custom color palettes. The Document palette is saved with the document so that if you take the file to a different system, you will have it there as well.

The Document palette is open by default but if you don’t see it, go to Window > Color Palette > Document Palette to open it. Uncheck the setting Automatically update the document palette. To disable automatic updates, click on the flyout arrow and select Customize. However, if you prefer to control which colors are added to the Document palette, you can disable the automatic updates and add colors manually by dragging colors from your document down into the palette. This will then give the opportunity to add colors from a bitmap. Click on the flyout arrow and select Palette > Reset Palette. If you have removed colors from your Document palette, or added a bitmap, you can choose to reset your color palette. Every time you use a color in your document it’s automatically added to the Document palette – even if you later change the color or remove it from your document. The Document palette contains the colors used in your current document and appears in the bottom left corner of the interface, above the status bar. And if you click on Customize in the flyout menu, you have further palette options available such as large swatches and wide borders. You can set a palette as the default palette, choose to show color names on the swatches, or have the palette displayed in 1, 2 or 3 rows. CorelCAD 2021 – Education Edition (Windows/Mac).CorelDRAW Graphics Suite – Education Edition (Windows/Mac).

CorelCAD 2021 – Education License (Windows/Mac).